Question: Is radiometric dating, which is cited over and over as proof of evolutionary long ages, reliable? In specific, how about Potassium-Argon dating? Answer: A straight forward reading of the Bible (from creation to the apostles) does not allow for the earth to be millions, much less billions, of years old. Many fanciful dating methods have been used to date objects including rocks. A popular one that regularly gives dating in the multi-million year age range is Potassium-Argon dating. Without getting too technical, a quick look at one great observable example should suffice to show that the numbers given can be erratically excessive. Our example: Mount St. Helens. When Mount St. Helens blew it's top in 1980 it transformed the surrounding terrain dramatically in a short period of time (providing many other evidences as well of rapid changes reminiscent of things attributed to evolutionary change over vast periods). The lava that was spewed from this volcanic event was dated twenty years after the fact, using Potassium-Argon dating. Scientists regularly date items and strata containing volcanic material using this method, claiming to be able to ascertain when the rock was formed. This being true, Mount St. Helens should have tested out to 20 years plus or minus a year or two being generous for a margin of error. Instead sample results came back ranging from 1/3 to 3 million years! This isn't a margin of error, it's an absurdity and this is not an isolated occurrence. Obviously the basic assumptions underlining radiometric dating like this need to be reevaluated, rather then religiously upheld as proof of long ages. The photo below is a before and after of Mount St. Helens. |